• Premium Material

    Learn with especially designed Videos, Texts, and Quizzes

  • Comprehensive

    From the Basic principles to TCI strategies, we've got All Covered

  • 100% Online

    Available 24/7. Start now

  • CPD Accredited

  • Certificate

  • Level

    Beginner - Intermediate

Build the Confidence You need to Perform TIVA

Course Description

TIVA Academy is an online course aimed at doctors and all health professionals with an interest in TIVA. From the key concepts of pharmacology to practical tips for the everyday practice, you’ll master everything you need to improve safety, prevent complications and manage difficulties that arise with this technique. Understand the often-misunderstood differences among Infusion Systems, learn the role of Ke0 and be guided on the choice of the right agents and TCI models for your patients. At the end of each module, you can test your knowledge with quizzes designed to support your studies. TIVA ACADEMY provides solid and extensive information so you can boost your expertise and make confident decisions when performing Total Intravenous Anaesthesia.

Made for you

Learn at your own pace, anywhere, anytime

What you'll learn

  • History of Total Intravenous Anaesthesia

  • Principles of Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics applied to TIVA

  • Pros and Cons of TIVA and when the Technique is Indicated

  • Infusion Systems, differences between Manual and Target Controlled Infusions

  • Popular TCI Models and how to Choose the Best one for Your Patients

  • A Comprehensive Review of the Main Drugs used in TIVA

  • Drug Interactions in TIVA practice

  • Processed EEG Monitoring, Principles and Correct Interpretation

  • Practical Tips for the use of TIVA

  • Future Trends in TIVA


  • Is this course for me?

    TIVA Academy is aimed at doctors and all health professionals with an interest in TIVA. Although designed for Anaesthesia Trainees, Consultants can also benefit from the course.

  • What is the course duration?

    TIVA Academy is a self-paced, 100% online course. On average, the time commitment for this course is approximately 6 hours.

  • How many CPD points can I claim?

    Because of the nature of the course, it is an individual’s decision as to how much time/points/credits they claim from the programme to their CPD portfolio, according to their organisation’s requirements. As a reference, we suggest a total of 6 CPD points to be claimed for this training.

  • How to claim my Certificate?

    The Certificate of Course Completion is issued automatically upon finishing the course.